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Septic Systems Inspections at Homes & Businesses

You might think your septic system does not have any issues as long as your toilet is flushing, but your tank’s condition and performance might be at risk. Smaller issues might exist that will grow into substantial and expensive problems, forcing you to invest in extensive repairs or a system replacement. East Coast Septic Services’ highly trained team can inspect your septic tank and other components to verify whether your tank is running safely and properly. Our seasoned professionals perform all the work involved in high-tech septic systems inspections in St. Augustine and surrounding areas. This service is especially vital if you plan to buy a new house. You should always have a professional inspect a property’s septic tank before you commit to purchasing it.

Emptying Septic tank

What We Are Looking for During an Inspection

East Coast Septic Services is committed to providing service at the highest possible standards, whether we are serving a commercial or residential client. During an inspection, our team carefully examines your septic tank for various possible issues. We check the tank’s integrity and look for weak points needing professional attention. Another essential step is checking your drain field’s functionality and any components related to it. Our team scans your system to identify leaks, and when we find them, we advise you on what repairs may be necessary. If your system shows signs of backups, we offer solutions to resolve this issue. Finally, our contractors check your septic system’s overall operation and evaluate its performance.

Man joint the pipe

Clients Benefit From Our Decades of Experience

Septic systems are a crucial part of any structure to deal with waste and water. You need a service provider with ample experience whenever repairs and other services are necessary. East Coast Septic Services has you covered with extensive training and time serving commercial and residential clients’ septic needs of all types. Our business has 30 years of experience in septic system repairs, replacements, installations, inspections, and more. We are fully licensed to provide professional service, ensuring we complete all our jobs correctly the first time. Clients benefit from our seasoned expertise and avoid mistakes and subpar workmanship that could cost them a fortune in future repairs and replacements.

East Coast Septic Service has St. Augustine and Surrounding Areas Covered

Whenever you need a septic system inspection at your existing property or one you intend to purchase, our professional team of licensed contractors has you covered. Our decades of experience and training ensure you get a thorough and timely tank inspection, starting with a free estimate.

Contact Us to Schedule Professional Septic Service