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Helping St. Augustine and Surrounding Areas With Sewer Connections

Many properties have a septic tank and drain field as part of their septic system to take care of their sewage. With regular maintenance and quality components, a septic system can provide dependable service and keep your home or business running normally for years. However, commercial and residential properties may want to switch from relying on a septic tank to connecting to the city sewer. In these cases, East Coast Septic Services’ team of licensed contractors is ready to help. We handle sewer connections for St. Augustine and surrounding area homeowners, and business owners to switch from a private system to the area’s public system. If you are ready to transition from a tank, we offer years of experience and training, paired with friendly service and free estimates.

pipe connections

Top-Quality Service Throughout the Process

East Coast Septic Services has you covered when you decide to ditch your septic tank and connect your home or business to a city sewer connection. We provide quick and efficient service to transition you from a private septic tank to the city’s system while minimizing the impact on your household or business activities. Our team strives to make the process as easy as possible for you. You don’t have to worry about leaving an unused septic tank in the ground after the switch because we will remove it for you. The transition process includes abandoning your septic tank and running your pipe to city lines. If necessary, we can install a lift station to ensure your transition goes smoothly and runs effectively.

dump truck

Licensed Service Providers for Your Connection Needs

Our team of contractors is fully licensed to carry out all the necessary work connecting your home’s or business’s septic system to a city sewer connection. We have in-depth knowledge, industry-trusted tools, and friendly and reliable service to make the process as simple as possible for residential and commercial clients. East Coast Septic Services has 30 years of experience working in septic services. Our time in operation has provided ample training and hands-on experience with a wide array of septic components, issues, and techniques to keep systems and connections running optimally. We offer various essential services, such as repairs, installations, sales, maintenance, and replacements. Our sewer connection services ensure you get a simple solution to waste management.

East Coast Septic Services Means Quality

When you rely on us to carry out your sewer connection, you get extensive industry experience and professional training working in your favor. We always provide timely work with attention to detail to ensure the best possible results.

Contact Us to Schedule Professional Septic Service